“I had the chance to work with Annemarie for almost a year. We had check-in sessions and one time a Journey session as well. Annemarie’s approach in these check-in sessions turned out to be very efficient and helpful. As we were discussing the topics that I brought to the meeting she never directly provided the answers, rather than she challenged me to understand my thoughts and feelings, enabling me to go to the root of the issues. During these transformative sessions I learnt to face my fears, practice gratitude and vulnerability, accept and appreciate myself the way I am, be kind to myself, smash my old beliefs that were holding me back. All these as a result of 4 1-hour sessions, so her approach is very efficient. No matter what I brought to the table she was always supportive, and never judgmental. In certain situations she also practiced vulnerability and shared her similar experience, but she never said this is what you should do as well. Instead she left it for me to figure out what and when I should do, while reassuring that the issue can be solved.The Journey session was truly transformational. Annemarie told me it’s suitable when someone is feeling stuck or carrying weight from the past. This session is 2 hours long, personally for me one of the most difficult ones as I had to face repressed feelings from many many years ago. Annemarie created a very calm and safe atmosphere and during the session I completely trusted her. I started the session with skepticism, wasn’t sure whether there will be enough to talk about for 2 hours but at the same time I was curious as well about the process and the outcome. After the 2 hours it felt like I’d just lost 200kgs, I felt a calmness in my face and body that I never felt before, but more importantly this is something that I managed to keep after months, and this is also something I can go back to if I feel anxious or insecure. We were able to close the issue in one session and it never appeared again”.

C. S. Amsterdam, 2020